The journey of transferred infants from Gaza

CGTN published this video item, entitled “The journey of transferred infants from Gaza” – below is their description.

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In early November, fuel supplies ran out and the power was cut at Al Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip. Many premature babies had to be removed from their incubators and evacuated.

On November 19, 36 infants born during this round of conflict were transferred to Al-Helal Al-Emarati Maternity Hospital at Tel Al-Sultan, Gaza. Five of the infants did not survive the journey.

On November 20, 28 infants of the 31 surviving were sent to Egypt. Three that were too frail to be moved remained at Al-Helal Al-Emarati Maternity Hospital. Of the three infants left behind, the family of one – a baby girl – has yet to be located. The doctors have named her “Malak,” meaning “Angel” in Arabic. The Sabra Mosque was attacked by Israel on November 15, leading to at least 50 fatalities and numerous injuries. Malak was found the following day. She was only a day or two old. Remarkably, she was completely unharmed.

CGTN YouTube Channel

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About This Source - CGTN

This story is an English language news item from CGTN. CGTN is a Chinese state-funded broadcaster.

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