Putin offers to give Erdogan a Sputnik vaccine booster after meeting in Russia

Global News published this video item, entitled “Putin offers to give Erdogan a Sputnik vaccine booster after meeting in Russia” – below is their description.

Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his Turkish counterpart, Tayyip Erdogan, the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine for a booster after talks on Wednesday.

Putin, who ended his two-week self-isolation after dozens of people in his inner circle fell ill with COVID-19, met Erdogan in Sochi for discussions including curbing renewed violence in northwest Syria and possibly expanding Moscow’s sales of military defence systems.

Putin said his antibodies level was high enough not to get sick after contact with an infected person he spent all day with and suggested that the Turkish President use the Russian-produced vaccine.

Erdogan declined, smiling, saying he had already received his booster shot.

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Symptoms of coronavirus

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