McConnell Urges Vote Against Ukraine Aid Until Border Security Added

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday slammed the insistence of House Republicans that Congress take up sweeping border security changes in a deal for aid to Israel and Ukraine. The GOP’s demands could imperil any legislation that emerges from the Senate, where a bipartisan group is trying to find agreement on a pared-down set of border policy proposals.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell McConnell said he’s encouraging all Republican senators to vote against advancing the Biden aid package to show they are “serious” in demanding border changes.

“Now is the time to pay attention to our own border in addition to these other important international concerns,” McConnell said.

House lawmakers were also set to hear from national security adviser Jake Sullivan about the urgency of providing assistance. Republicans in the House remain deeply skeptical of sending more wartime funding to Ukraine, and some have said they won’t support it even if it is paired with hard-line border policy.


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