Is Denmark’s harsh asylum policies the right path for Europe? | DW News

DW News published this video item, entitled “Is Denmark’s harsh asylum policies the right path for Europe? | DW News” – below is their description.

DW’s Simon Young spoke with Danish Minister for Migration and Integration Kaare Dybvad Bek at the annual policy conference of Christian Social Union (CSU) in Seeon.

The Minister talked about the Danish, German and EU migration policies. He also explained why he thinks Denmark’s policies of rejecting and sending asylum seekers out of the country are necessary.

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DW News is a global English-language news and information channel from German public international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, established in summer 2015.

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In This Story: Denmark

Denmark, officially the Kingdom of Denmark, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe.  The capital is Copenhagen. Denmark proper, consists of a peninsula, Jutland, and an archipelago of 443 islands.

The Kingdom of Denmark comprises Denmark proper and the two autonomous territories in the North Atlantic Ocean: the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Home rule was established in the Faroe Islands in 1948; in Greenland home rule was established in 1979 and further autonomy in 2009.

Denmark has highly developed mixed economy. Denmark became a member of the European Economic Community (now the EU) in 1973, but negotiated certain opt-outs; it retains its own currency, the krone. It is among the founding members of NATO, the Nordic Council, the OECD, OSCE, and the United Nations; it is also part of the Schengen Area. Denmark has close linguistic ties to its Scandinavian neighbours.

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