Australians urged to evacuate Lebanon amid conflict | 9 News Australia

9 News Australia published this video item, entitled “Australians urged to evacuate Lebanon amid conflict | 9 News Australia” – below is their description.

An estimated 15,000 Australians have been encouraged to evacuate Lebanon amid the Israel-Gaza conflict.

9 News Australia YouTube Channel

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9 News Australia has delivered breaking news, features and exclusive news from around Australia and the world into homes since 1956. In December 2013, Nine Entertainment listed on the ASX, trading as ASX: NEC.

In November 2020, Nine Entertainment relocated from Willoughby where it had been based for 64 years to North Sydney.

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In This Story: Israel

Israel, a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea, is regarded by Jews, Christians and Muslims as the biblical Holy Land. Its most sacred sites are in Jerusalem. Within its Old City, the Temple Mount complex includes the Dome of the Rock shrine, the historic Western Wall, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Israel’s financial hub, Tel Aviv, is known for its Bauhaus architecture and beaches. 

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In This Story: Lebanon

Lebanon, officially known as the Lebanese Republic, is a country in the Levant region of Western Asia, and the transcontinental region of the Middle East.

The official language, Arabic, is the most common language spoken by the citizens of Lebanon. Its capital is Beirut.

Lebanon was a founding member of the United Nations in 1945 and is a member of the Arab League (1945), the Non-Aligned Movement (1961), Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (1969), and the Organisation internationale de la francophonie (1973).

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