Afghan specials forces fight Taliban threat as thousands flee | DW News

DW News published this video item, entitled “Afghan specials forces fight Taliban threat as thousands flee | DW News” – below is their description.

In Afghanistan, the government is facing an increasingly dire security situation. In recent weeks, Taliban insurgents have overrun dozens of districts in several provinces, seizing control of trade routes and forcing thousands to flee. As NATO troops withdraw from the country, it’s now up to government troops to provide security, but they face a daunting challenge.

A convoy of Afghan Commandos under attack by the Taliban was on a mission near the city of Kandahar, but ran into an ambush before reaching its target. All over Afghanistan, the Taliban are on the advance.

The US-trained Commandos are an elite force, racing from firefight to firefight, determined to stem the tide. Things don’t always end well. Gruesome footage has emerged, showing at least a dozen Commandos being massacred by the Taliban last month, after they surrendered.

The Taliban surge is not just a military disaster. Thousands of families have fled the militants’ advance, swelling the ranks of the displaced. The fallout from this conflict does not stop at Afghanistan’s border. An estimated 1,000 refugees are fleeing the country every day.

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DW News is a global English-language news and information channel from German public international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, established in summer 2015.

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In This Story: Afghanistan

Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central and South Asia. Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan to the east and south; Iran to the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan to the north; and China to the northeast.

Occupying 652,000 square kilometers (252,000 sq mi), it is a mountainous country with plains in the north and southwest. Kabul is the capital and largest city. The population is around 32 million, composed mostly of ethnic Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks.

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In This Story: Taliban

The Taliban or Taleban, who refer to themselves as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, is a Deobandi Islamist movement and military organization in Afghanistan, currently waging war within the country. Since 2016, the Taliban’s leader has been Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada.

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