20 Minute Full Body HIIT Home Workout | The Body Coach TV

The Body Coach TV published this video item, entitled “20 Minute Full Body HIIT Home Workout | The Body Coach TV” – below is their description.

This one is a barn burner 🔥

40 seconds work | 20 seconds rest

Bear crawl

Squat jumps

Crossover climbers

Run on the spot

Reverse lunges

Rope climb

Full body crunches

Up down plank

Lateral lunge leg lift (R)

Lateral lunge leg lift (L)

Star jumps


Spiderman lunges

Narrow push ups

Low sprint with tuck jumps

Half burpees


Floor touch lateral jumps

Front kicks

4 x 90º squat jumps then burpee

The Body Coach TV YouTube Channel

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About This Source - The Body Coach TV

Joe Wicks, otherwise known as “The Body Coach”, is a British fitness coach, TV presenter and author.

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