15 Minute PREGNANCY-SAFE Bodyweight Workout with Courtnay | The Body Coach TV

The Body Coach TV published this video item, entitled “15 Minute PREGNANCY-SAFE Bodyweight Workout with Courtnay | The Body Coach TV” – below is their description.

Our Body Coach trainer Courtnay has her qualification in pre and post natal fitness and created some amazing pregnancy-safe workouts for the Body Coach TV. This workout is aimed at those in trimester 1 of their pregnancy.

Please check our blog on exercising during pregnancy before doing this workout if you are pregnant – https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/a-guide-for-exercising-during-pregnancy

35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest

Lateral Step and jump

Reverse Lunge with knee drive

Jumping jacks

Sumo squat

Military plank

Squat walk

A skip

Kneeling push-ups

Side plank hold (R)

Kneeling hinge

Side plank hold (L)

Step burpee

Lateral lunge


Fast feet



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About This Source - The Body Coach TV

Joe Wicks, otherwise known as “The Body Coach”, is a British fitness coach, TV presenter and author.

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