Australia Weather: Severe Weather Update 12 December 2023: Cat 2 Tropical Cyclone Jasper to cross within 24 hours

Bureau of Meteorology published this video item, entitled “Severe Weather Update 12 December 2023: Cat 2 Tropical Cyclone Jasper to cross within 24 hours” – below is their description.

Severe Weather Update: Cat 2 Tropical Cyclone Jasper to cross within 24 hours.

Video current: 03:00pm AEST 12 December 2023

Know your weather, know your risk. For the latest forecasts and warnings go to our website or the BOM Weather app.

Bureau of Meteorology YouTube Channel

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About This Source - Bureau of Meteorology

The Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology. Includes videos about the work of the Bureau in the areas of weather, water, climate and more.

The Bureau of Meteorology operates under the authority of the Meteorology Act 1955 and the Water Act 2007 which provide the legal basis for its activities. The Bureau of Meteorology must also fulfill Australia’s international obligations under the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and related international meteorological treaties and agreements.

The Director of Meteorology reports to the Minister for the Environment on all general matters, and to the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources on water-related matters.

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In This Story: Cyclone

In meteorology, a cyclone is a large scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones are characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate about a zone of low pressure and typically bring winds, rain, high waves and storm surges to the areas they pass.

In the Atlantic and the northeastern Pacific oceans, a tropical cyclone is generally referred to as a hurricane (from the name of the ancient Central American deity of wind, Huracan), in the Indian and south Pacific oceans it is called a cyclone, and in the northwestern Pacific it is called a typhoon.

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