Polish President Opens Parliament and Warns Of Weakening European Project

Polish president opens parliament and warns of weakening european project 1
Polish leaders donald tusk and bronislaw komorowski

The Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski, made a speech at the opening of the Sejm on 8th November warning that government inefficiency, national low fertility and the weakening of the European project were the major challenges facing the country. The President pointed to integration with the Euro as a positive target for Poland and ended on a lighter note with hope for community and solidarity among the people of his country.

Poland went to the polls on 9th October 2011 returning a 39% vote in favour of the Civic Platform party and 30% for the Law & Justice party with the remainder of the vote divided between smaller parties. Donald Tusk will serve as Prime Minister until the new government is formed.

In This Story: Poland

Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country located in Central Europe. It is divided into 16 administrative provinces, covering an area of 312,696 square kilometres, and has a largely temperate seasonal climate.

Poland’s capital and largest metropolis is Warsaw.

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