Wind gusts lash Sydney, thunderstorms to hit most of Australia tomorrow | 9 News Australia

9 News Australia published this video item, entitled “Wind gusts lash Sydney, thunderstorms to hit most of Australia tomorrow | 9 News Australia” – below is their description.

Temperatures were up to 4C cooler than average across Sydney today thanks to chilly south-easterly winds and a few scattered showers. As for tomorrow’s forecast, a cold front is expected to deliver showers and thunderstorms to South Australia, the Northern Territory, south-west Queensland and western New South Wales.

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9 News Australia has delivered breaking news, features and exclusive news from around Australia and the world into homes since 1956. In December 2013, Nine Entertainment listed on the ASX, trading as ASX: NEC.

In November 2020, Nine Entertainment relocated from Willoughby where it had been based for 64 years to North Sydney.

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In This Story: New South Wales

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Alice Springs is the gateway town to the Red Centre desert.

The NT covers 1,349,129 square kilometres (520,902 sq mi). It is sparsely populated, with a population of only 245,353.

The economy is based largely on mining and petroleum, which during 2018–2019 contributed 23% of the gross state product, or $5.68 billion, accounting for 92.4% of exports.

The capital and largest city is Darwin. The population is concentrated in coastal regions and along the Stuart Highway.

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In This Story: Sydney

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  • Population: 5.23 million (2018)

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