Uruguayan President on spirit of soccer

CGTN published this video item, entitled “Uruguayan President on spirit of soccer” – below is their description.

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President Luis Lacalle Pou of Uruguay shed light on the nation’s soccer spirit during an interview. Despite its small population, Uruguay has achieved remarkable success in the sport, with multiple Olympic and World Cup championships, as well as numerous Copa America titles. President Luis Lacalle Pou attributes this success to the fact that Uruguayan children start playing football from a very young age, often joining top international teams and bringing back exceptional skills and tactics. The players’ strong sense of pride and love for their country, known locally as the “Garra Charrúa” spirit, further fuels their dedication on the field.

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This story is an English language news item from CGTN. CGTN is a Chinese state-funded broadcaster.

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In This Story: Uruguay

Uruguay is a South American country known for its verdant interior and beach-lined coast. The capital, Montevideo, revolves around Plaza Independencia, once home to a Spanish citadel. It leads to Ciudad Vieja (Old City), with art deco buildings, colonial homes and Mercado del Puerto, an old port market with many steakhouses. La Rambla, a waterfront promenade, passes fish stalls, piers and parks. 

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