University of Wisconsin-La Crosse chancellor terminated after being asked about adult videos

NBC News published this video item, entitled “University of Wisconsin-La Crosse chancellor terminated after being asked about adult videos” – below is their description.

Dr. Joe Gow, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, was terminated after nearly 17 years of service. Gow says the school asked about the pornographic videos that he and his wife star in. The university hasn’t specified why Gow was terminated but says his actions were “abhorrent.” NBC News’ Jesse Kirsch reports.

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In This Story: Wisconsin

Wisconsin is a midwestern U.S. state with coastlines on 2 Great Lakes (Michigan and Superior) and an interior of forests and farms. Milwaukee is the largest city in Wisconsin.

  • Capital: Madison
  • Governor: Tony Evers (Democratic Party)
  • Population: 5.822 million (2019)

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