Ukraine War: ICC chief prosecutor on Putin arrest warrant: ‘We followed the evidence’

Sky News published this video item, entitled “Ukraine War: ICC chief prosecutor on Putin arrest warrant: ‘We followed the evidence'” – below is their description.

Chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan KC has explained why the body issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin.

The Russian President was issued the warrant last week for alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

Mr Khan said: “My job was to follow the evidence for the last year, the team has been working very hard, we’ve been analysing it and we’ve presented it to independent judges of the ICC.

“They decided, not me to issue a decision on Friday. The timing worked out and it’s only right that when bullets are flying and bombs are landing in destruction and mayhem, it is the staple diet of too many of the most vulnerable people, the law needs to be on the front lines and we’re not going to wait, when the law has to be seen in action.”

Arrest explainer:

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