The Race Gap in the U.S.: People paying the price for policy failures

CGTN published this video item, entitled “The Race Gap in the U.S.: People paying the price for policy failures” – below is their description.

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In the latest episode of “The Race Gap in the U.S.,” correspondent Jason Motlagh takes us on a journey with a cast of characters comprised of activists, retired border patrol officers, lawyers and migrants.

“The detention of migrants, I think, is an example that there are entanglements that have to do with the law, entanglements that have to do with politics, and frankly, that don’t make a lot of sense. And all of that results from the fact that we are living with a set of laws that hasn’t been reformed in decades, is outdated and inadequate for the challenges that we face at our border. And there are human beings paying the price for that, for our failure to fix our policies.” said Cecilia Munoz, senior advisor at New America and former director of the Domestic Policy Council of the United States.

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In This Story: United States

The United States is a country also known as the United States of America, USA, US or just America. There are fifty states in the union, which is a federal republic ruled by a representative democracy. Nearly ten million square kilometres are inhabited by over 300 million people. The majority of Americans speak English.

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