Schools in Ethiopia used as military bases: HRW

Al Jazeera English published this video item, entitled “Schools in Ethiopia used as military bases: HRW” – below is their description.

The United Nations’ refugee agency is expressing growing concern about the crisis in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region.

There are reports hundreds of refugees have been taken from displacement camps by soldiers.

Schools have also not been spared, with Human Rights Watch accusing government troops of using a high school as a military base.

Meanwhile, the United States, a strong ally of Ethiopia’s government for years, is growing frustrated with the scale of the fighting and widespread reports of sexual violence.

The US Senate has unanimously called for the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops and Secretary of State Antony Blinken says what is happening amounts to ethnic cleansing.

Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford reports.

Al Jazeera English YouTube Channel

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