Nathalia Arcuri meets Alice Aedy | Creator Studio at the SDG Pavilion | United Nations

United Nations published this video item, entitled “Nathalia Arcuri meets Alice Aedy | Creator Studio at the SDG Pavilion | United Nations” – below is their description.

Content creators Nathalia Arcuri and Alice Aedy meet each other at the SDG Pavilion to talk about why they are both in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. They discuss activism and changemaking for the Global Goals.

Nathalia Arcuri – @MePoupe – is the founder of MePoupe!, the world’s largest financial entertainment platform.

Alice Aedy – @earthrise – is the co-founder and CEO of Earthrise, an impact-driven media company for people + planet.


What is the SDG Pavilion:

The SDG Pavilion is a convening space and art installation, designed by renowned artist Es Devlin at UN Headquarters in New York during high-level week of the UN General Assembly. The 78th Session of #UNGA falls at the halfway mark to the 2030 deadline on the Sustainable Development Goals.

United Nations YouTube Channel

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About This Source - United Nations

The United Nations (UN) was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future wars. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states.

The UN’s chief administrative officer is the Secretary-General, currently Portuguese politician and diplomat António Guterres, who began his five year-term on 1 January 2017.


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In This Story: New York

New York is a state in the northeastern U.S., known for New York City and towering Niagara Falls. NYC’s island of Manhattan is home to the Empire State Building, Times Square and Central Park. The Brooklyn Bridge connects Manhattan with the borough of Brooklyn. The iconic Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. To the east, Long Island has beaches, the Montauk Lighthouse, the ritzy Hamptons and Fire Island.

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