Mother of murdered teen speaks out after justice delays

Sky News published this video item, entitled “Mother of murdered teen speaks out after justice delays” – below is their description.

A woman who waited two years to see her son’s killer brought to justice has told Sky News the huge court delays only added to her trauma.

Tai O’Donnell, 19, bled to death after he was stabbed four times by his girlfriend at home in Croydon in March 2021, just one day after his mum had voiced concerns about his relationship.

Last week Kamila Ahmad, 24, was sentenced to life in jail with a minimum of 23 years for his murder.

Read the full story here –

#ukcourt #justice #skynews

Sky News YouTube Channel

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Sky News is a British free-to-air television news channel and organisation. Sky News is distributed via a radio news service, and through online channels. It is owned by Sky Group, a division of Comcast. John Ryley is the head of Sky News, a role he has held since June 2006.

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In This Story: Murder

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