Marwan Bishara: The meaning of Putin’s Syria surprise

1 thought on “Marwan Bishara: The meaning of Putin’s Syria surprise”

  1. Dear Marwan Bishara

    As you know already I am a Jewish attorney at law from Vienna, Austria.

    I refer to your latest article in AL JAZEERA:
    Oslo is dead, long live the peace process
    Reimagining peace in Palestine-Israel beyond the zombie process that refuses to die.

    Oslo is dead, long live the peace process | Opinions | Al Jazeera

    I have read this column several times to understand the full implications of your lines.
    Both this article and yourself are fascinating.
    As a born Israeli, you have appeared as a “model Palestinian” at international congresses and meetings for many years. An intelligent man with great knowledge and a confident demeanor and excellent English skills who leaves a good impression.
    You are seen as an example of a responsible, sensible and politically moderate author, who is seen as an example of understanding between Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians.
    It’s all acting and camouflage. You are playing a role to the audience that has absolutely nothing to do with the facts. Your opinions are radical and extremist. An understanding with you and your spiritual brothers is illusory and is not even intended by you.
    Your current article is your worst yet. You blame only the Israelis for the failure of Oslo. You don’t even mention terrorist attacks by Palestinian assassins. And you don’t mention that these assassins are revered as heroes and martyrs by the Palestinian population. Neither is the fact that Hamas, which wants to kill all Jews (Hamas Charter Article 7), has turned the Gaza Strip into a storage facility for over 10,000 rockets and has almost completely tunneled under the capital. And your correspondents from Gaza accuse Israel every day because things are bad for the residents there. Perhaps it would be better to use the millions from Qatar and other countries to build hospitals and schools instead of missile silos.
    But the best comes last.
    You write that the Oslo peace agreement failed and are now calling for a binational state. Israel, as the homeland of the Jewish people, should be dissolved and make way for an Arab-Jewish state.
    Both warring peoples together in a state the size of New Jersey, open to fanatics from both sides. And if all Palestinian refugees (the Palestinians are the only people in the world where one can easily inherit refugee status) return to Israel/Palestine, the Jews in Israel will be a minority. Please don’t tell me that this scenario is exactly what you imagined.
    The model Palestinian you present yourself as wants the destruction of Israel.
    Although Qatar has neither freedom of speech nor freedom of the press, one can demand the destruction of Israel at any time in this corrupt Islamist feudal state.
    You must think your readers are either completely uninformed or just as radical as yourself.
    But I still have one request: Please stop acting.. You are a radical. Finally commit to it.

    Yours sincerely

    Mag.Mag. Michael Schnarch
    Attorney at law – Vienna


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