Ghana receives $3bn International Monetary Fund bailout – BBC News

BBC News published this video item, entitled “Ghana receives $3bn International Monetary Fund bailout – BBC News” – below is their description.

Ghana has just signed a new bailout programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) worth $3bn (£2.4bn).

Ghana, long seen as one of Africa’s best run countries, has been struggling to recover from the combined effects of the global Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

President Nana Akufo Addo admitted last October that the country was “in crisis” citing “malevolent forces [that] have come together at the same time”.

But the opposition also blames the crisis on what it calls the “gross mismanagement” of the economy – an allegation the government has denied.

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The video item below is a piece of English language content from BBC News. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster funded by the UK Government, and British license fee payers. Its headquarters are at Broadcasting House in Westminster, London.

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In This Story: Ghana

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