Five per cent of Ivanhoe population in NSW far west tests COVID-19 positive | ABC News

ABC News (Australia) published this video item, entitled “Five per cent of Ivanhoe population in NSW far west tests COVID-19 positive | ABC News” – below is their description.

Ivanhoe has seen more than five per cent of its residents test positive to COVID in a single day.

Twelve residents in a population of around 200 have tested positive to the virus and local businesses have been forced to close while people isolate.

The Central Darling Shire’s general manager, Greg Hill, says severely infected residents will need to be airlifted to the nearest hospital.

ABC News (Australia) YouTube Channel

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About This Source - ABC News (Australia)

The video item below is from ABC News (Australia). ABC News is a public news service in Australia produced by the News and Current Affairs division of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

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In This Story: COVID-19

Covid-19 is the official WHO name given to the novel coronavirus which broke out in late 2019 and began to spread in the early months of 2020.

Symptoms of coronavirus

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a persistent new cough (non productive, dry)
  • a high temperature (e.g. head feels warm to the touch)
  • shortness of breath (if this is abnormal for the individual, or increased)

Latest News about Covid-19

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In This Story: New South Wales

New South Wales is a southeastern Australian state, distinguished by its coastal cities and national parks. Sydney, its capital, is home to iconic structures such as the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Population: 7.544 million (Sept 2014)

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