Exclusive with Uruguayan President Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou

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Uruguayan President Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou has wrapped up his first state visit to China, describing it as positive and saying it delivered good results. In this episode of Leaders Talk, CMG’s Wang Guan sat down with Lacalle Pou to hear his views on the China-Uruguay relationship. Uruguay was one of the first countries to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Ten years later, 30 percent of Uruguay’s exports are to China. “For us, BRI has been a great opportunity. I think that people in my country and politicians agree that we have to step forward with China,” he said. Lacalle Pou also describes Uruguay’s unique natural environment that helps livestock and agriculture development. Some 58 percent of all Uruguayan beef exports are shipped to China, and Lacalle Pou says his country is willing to make even bigger deals with China. He also recalls President Xi Jinping’s generosity toward his country during the COVID-19 crisis. As a former ambassador once said, “China is a good friend in good times, but China is a better friend in bad times.”

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This story is an English language news item from CGTN. CGTN is a Chinese state-funded broadcaster.

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