Exclusive interview with China’s ‘Batwoman’ on COVID-19 vaccine

“We isolated the virus strain on our own, the whole procedure is being conducted by us, the vaccine is being researched by Chen Wei’s team,” says virologist Dr Shi Zhengli, who was called China’s “Batwoman.” “I don’t know any evidence for the U.S. to claim we steal their research.” The activity inside the Wuhan lab from the early days until now has piqued the world’s interest. Can she set the record straight? #China #Coronavirus #COVID19

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This story is an English language news item from CGTN. CGTN is a Chinese state-funded broadcaster.

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In This Story: COVID-19

Covid-19 is the official WHO name given to the novel coronavirus which broke out in late 2019 and began to spread in the early months of 2020.

Symptoms of coronavirus

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a persistent new cough (non productive, dry)
  • a high temperature (e.g. head feels warm to the touch)
  • shortness of breath (if this is abnormal for the individual, or increased)

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In This Story: Vaccine

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