COVID-19: Ontario wastewater signal hits 1-year peak

Global News published this video item, entitled “COVID-19: Ontario wastewater signal hits 1-year peak” – below is their description.

There are signs that COVID-19 is running rampant once again.

Ontario’s wastewater signal is more than double what it was at this time last year.

Mackenzie Gray on what you need to know.

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Global News is the news and current affairs division of the Canadian Global Television Network, based in Vancouver, Canada.

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In This Story: COVID-19

Covid-19 is the official WHO name given to the novel coronavirus which broke out in late 2019 and began to spread in the early months of 2020.

Symptoms of coronavirus

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a persistent new cough (non productive, dry)
  • a high temperature (e.g. head feels warm to the touch)
  • shortness of breath (if this is abnormal for the individual, or increased)

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In This Story: Ontario

Ontario is a province in east-central Canada that borders the U.S. and the Great Lakes. It’s home to Ottawa, Canada’s capital, known for Parliament Hill’s Victorian architecture and the National Gallery, featuring Canadian and indigenous art. Toronto, Ontario’s capital, is home to the 553m-high CN Tower, with expansive views from its revolving restaurant.

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