China’s defense minister attends Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore

CGTN published this video item, entitled “China’s defense minister attends Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore” – below is their description.

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China’s defense minister is in Singapore for an official visit and the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue. The event was cancelled for two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It gathers military chiefs of 28 Asia-Pacific states to exchange views on regional security and cooperation. Chinese State Councilor and National Defense Minister Wei Fenghe will deliver a speech on China’s vision for regional order.

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CGTN YouTube Channel

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About This Source - CGTN

This story is an English language news item from CGTN. CGTN is a Chinese state-funded broadcaster.

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  • a high temperature (e.g. head feels warm to the touch)
  • shortness of breath (if this is abnormal for the individual, or increased)

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