Bolsonaro’s war on the Amazon: examining evidence of crimes against Indigenous people– video

Guardian News published this video item, entitled “Bolsonaro’s war on the Amazon: examining evidence of crimes against Indigenous people– video” – below is their description.

A serial denier of human-driven climate breakdown, Jair Bolsonaro has been criticised in the past for failing to protect the Amazon rainforest and its native communities.

Now, with less than a month before Brazilians cast their ballot in the country’s presidential elections on 2 October, using architectural techniques and satellite technologies, researchers at Forensic Architecture, in cooperation with the Climate Litigation Accelerator, have examined evidence of crimes against Indigenous people and the true impact of Bolsonaro’s policies as he seeks a second term

Large parts of Amazon may never recover, major study says

How the Amazon has started to heat the planet – video

See the full investigation here

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