CoinMarketCap’s ChatGPT Plugin!

CoinMarketCap published this video item, entitled “CoinMarketCap’s ChatGPT Plugin!” – below is their description.

Introducing: The CoinMarketCap ChatGPT Plugin

The CoinMarketCap ChatGPT Plugin is the first of its kind, bringing together the power of CMC data with the magic of ChatGPT.

It’s like you’ve been given your own crypto analyst intern, always on hand to crunch the latest data and help answer the toughest questions. Sure, the intern doesn’t always get everything 100% right, but they are super eager to learn and will happily take on any task you give them. And best of all, this intern will never be on a lunch break when you need them the most!

Ready to meet your intern? Simply head over to, turn on GPT-4 and select plugins. Choose the CoinMarketCap plugin and you are ready to go!

CoinMarketCap YouTube Channel

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About This Source - CoinMarketCap

CoinMarketCap is a web service that provides aggregated cryptocurrency market data. It has been owned by Binance since April 2020.

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